

公告類型: 單位公告
點閱次數: 2002
南臺科技大學華語中心將於5/24(五) 14:00~16:30 假E棟13樓念慈國際會議廳舉辦"2019南臺科技大學華語中心華語日",由本校外籍生組隊報名參加,發揮創意共同來呈現華語學習成效,內容精彩可期,邀請本校師生報名前往觀賞,當日備有餐盒,邀請您一同前來與我們同歡!
連絡電話:(06)2533131 分機 6010

Chinese Language Center, STUST, is going to hold a Mandarin Language Day for Foreign Students on May 24, 2019 (Fri.) 14:00~16:30 at 13F of E Building. That is also a study performance show for those who study Chinese at STUST. We warmly welcome you to join us!
Any inquiries, please contact Chinese Language Center, Crystal Wang at 06-2533131, Ext. 6010, or by email: dept_chilance@stust.edu.tw.

*線上報名網址Online Registration : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSee0bs3vBTQ3XYYrv5n6VhBFjTINvfGieGj75NdsVeMiDulDg/viewform
*一份表單僅限一人報名 one google form for one person registration

P.S. We also sincerely invite foreign students to be a team to perform your Chinese learning result by any types of performance. If you would like to participate with your friends to be a team, please fill out the application form and send it to dept_chilance@stust.edu.tw. (only for those students whose courses taught in English/at least 5 persons in a team)
發布日期: 2019/04/15 至 2019/05/20